Running stack of microservices using docker-compose and acim/go-reflex image

Go is very attractive language for microservices’ development, but using acim/go-reflex image and docker-compose you can run multiple microservices including your gateway on your local machine. This image can run virtually any Go server based application and also reacts on changes in the code and recompiles the binary on the fly. If you want to debug your microservices’ stack or develop a new feature where you have to touch multiple services, this is very good tool to do so....

2021-10-23 · 3 min · Boban Acimovic

Run Docker as normal user on Ubuntu 20.04

In lot of instructions how to run docker on Ubuntu 20.04 (same applies to Linux Mint Ulyana) you may find that after installing docker you have to add your user to docker group by the following command: 1 sudo usermod -aG docker $USER If you still get permission errors, you may try to set ACL: 1 sudo setfacl -m user:$USER:rw /var/run/docker.sock

2020-11-17 · 1 min · Boban Acimovic